Entries by biblioasis

Productions Notes: August 17, 2018

The 2018 edition of Best Canadian Stories is well under way. And though I must confess I have not had a chance to read it yet, I am really looking forward to this one. Russell Smith’s selection has me quite intrigued with stories from a number of authors I admire including Lynn Coady, Kathy Page, […]

All Hands On the Loading Dock:
An Interview with Kathy Page

The Biblioswains were busy this morn with boxes and boxes of books, among them Dear Evelyn, the latest from Kathy Page. This epic love story steams into a port near you on September 4. We sat down with Kathy to find out more about the book Kirkus Reviews calls “A searching, and touching, depiction of […]

Cats, Seagulls & Giveaways!

It’s August 1, which means 1) it’s Mercury-retrograde Leo season, and 2) indieNEXT nominations are due in less than a week, the convergence of which is best represented by the following image: If you’re following along at home, you know that Harriet Paige’s Man with a Seagull on his Head is the title we can’t […]

Interning @ Biblioasis

I started at Biblioasis as an intern two months ago after a professor of mine introduced me to Dan. It started as 9 hours a week but thanks to a grant I am currently working full time! (yay for a real job!) When I started I had no idea what the day-to-day looked like at […]

Production Notes: July 20, 2018

New arrivals at the press: Final copies of CNQ 102 and Original Prin arrived from the printer this week. Both turned out really well. We also finished up on transcription of the stories for John Metcalf’s forthcoming Finding Again the World. For some of the reSet books we do not have access to digital files. So in order to get […]

Good Things Happen for Bad Things Happen

On Monday, July 16, 2018, it was announced that Bad Things Happen by Kris Bertin has won the 2017 ReLit Award for Short Fiction. The award was founded by Kenneth J. Harvey to acknowledge the best new work released by independent publishers. The award has no purse, but winners in each category (novel, short fiction, […]

“You’ll never need to read another book.”

Today’s post is sponsored by independence, and self-governance, and your humble Biblioblogger (along with her Production Goon) being extremely excited about the book we’re about to send off to print: The Children’s War, by the man, the myth, the self-blurbing legend C.P. Boyko. I’d toss in an author photo here, but this is the best […]

In the Media: Flock of Seagulls

As you head for the beach this long weekend, consider the story of Ray Eccles, a city clerk “past the age when anything interesting was likely to happen to him,” who one day is struck on the head by a dying seagull and wakes up compelled to obsessively paint the last thing he saw before […]

Productions Notes: June 22, 2018

Class Clown by Pino Collucio won the Trilliam last night! No wonder the judges were drawn to this book with such a lovely cover that pairs so well with Pino’s witty poetry, designed by our own Ellie Hastings. I have also been working on typesetting K.D. Miller’s Late Breaking. What is most important when I typeset […]