Entries by biblioasis

Read With Your Friends!

It’s true that the best thing about reading is that it keeps you from having to talk to people. HOWEVER: if you’re going to talk to people, books make a fine topic—and three of our recent titles are making waves as summer book-club picks. Get it? Waves? Because it’s SUMMER? I’ll show myself out. First […]

Production Notes: June 15, 2018

It is always both exciting and terrifying when boxes arrive from the printer. Opening a box always begins with an apprehensive inspection for errors—from the printer, from us, from the shipper—which is normally followed by a sigh of relief and finally the excitement at just how good the final product looks. Such was the case […]

IN THE MEDIA: Cooper & Huebert + Ondjaki & Pheby

It’s mid-June, which means the Bibliomanse is abuzz from production all the way to publicity. Fall books are being finalized, media coverage continues to roll in, and we’re starting to look ahead to next year’s books.  Mid-June also means Gemini season, so in honor of the Twins, please enjoy this pleasantly paired round-up of recent […]

Production Notes: June 8, 2018

The Children’s War has arrived on my desk finalized and ready to go into production and we are getting an Advance Copy underway. I know I wrote about this book a couple weeks ago but Boyko is a genius and you need to read this as soon as we get it out there! The inexhaustible […]

New Releases On the Way!

It’s Wednesday, which means we’re less than a week out from our biggest summer pub date: June 12, which brings the triple threat of Terry Grigg’s The Iconoclast’s Journal, Alison Moore’s The Pre-War House, and Mauricio Segura’s Oscar.  Here’s a quick round-up of some of the press they’ve gotten so far, along with a few […]

Production Notes: June 1, 2018

Original Prin cover has landed.  Personally I have to say this one has exceeded my expectations. Michel Vrana really knocked it out of the park. Send along your thoughts in the comments. Robert Earl Stewart has sent in the final manuscript for The Running-Shaped Hole. I’ve started typesetting it for Advance Reading Copies. Sometimes when I am typesetting a […]

IN CONVERSATION: with Pino Coluccio

We’re thrilled to finally share the news that Pino Coluccio’s Class Clown has been named a finalist for the 2018 Trillium Book Award for Poetry!  The award is given annually to a first, second, or third book by a new or emerging poet. Pino’s collection is one of three finalists for the $10,000 prize, the […]

IN THE MEDIA: Not-so-Transparent City

Ondjaki’s Transparent City (trans. Stephen Henighan) hit shelves in Canada and the US last week and reviewers are raving. Named a Vanity Fair Hot Type Book in April, May has brought a beautiful bouquet comprised of Times Literary Supplement, Toronto Star, and Globe and Mail blooms. In a review for TLS, reviewer Alev Adil called […]

New Office and New Arrivals

New office who dis big pile of boxes A major perk of our new digs: we now have room to receive shipments of books right here in the place where we make, mail, and shout about them. This is a major upgrade to our previous system, which I fondly call “driving furiously to a storage […]

Biblioasis Press’ New Address

We’ve moved! Our new office is located at 1686 Ottawa St, Suite 100, Windsor ON, N8Y 1R1. Our new phone number is 519–915–3930. We’re *kind of* unpacked. Pardon the stray boxes and assorted hand tools. Those of you who have been to the back of the old Bibliomanse will understand why I insist on typing WE HAVE WINDOWS […]