Production Notes: May 25, 2018
- Dear Evelyn has been typeset and is heading to the printer soon. For this one I chose a classic Garamond type with Garamond Premier pro display for the titles, page numbers and headers. This font pairs nicely with the elegant prose of Kathy Page’s tender love story.
A spread of Kathy Page’s newest book, Dear Evelyn.
- Biblioasis Merchandise is coming soon to a bookstore near me (The Biblioasis Bookshop down on Wyandotte). Ellie has been working away on new T-shirts designs, plus bringing back a few classics:
She is also working on some other merchandising ideas for the press and shop so keep an eye out for them in the coming weeks.
- Perhaps the best part of my job is working with Seth on the Ghost Stories and CNQ Covers. The new CNQ 102 cover art arrived this week and I have been busy cleaning up and combining all the elements.