IN THE MEDIA: Biblioasis Roundup

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! DO IT! READ IT NOW! Today’s media roundup is a heart-warming reminder that, in this world of e-readers and social media, some people in the old fashioned book worlds of newspapers, magazines, and libraries are still fighting the good bibliofight. Yes, they’re fighting it mostly online these days (and […]

IN THE MEDIA: Biblioasis Roundup

Happy New Year, everyone! It’s 2018 (wut?) and Biblioasis is ready to charge into another year (we’re not but).  To warm up the New Year (help us the world is horror) before we start sharing some exciting information about 2018 titles, here’s a recap of some of the final Biblioasis media of 2017 that came […]

Biblioasis 2017 Media Year in Review

2017 was a big year for us here at the Bibliomanse!  We released a ton of great new titles, two new Bibliofolk arrived as Casey Plett and Jonny Flieger joined the team, Biblioasis books made it onto some very prestigious awards lists, and we had a lot of great coverage in the media. Here are […]