Production Notes: May 18, 2018

Happy long weekend everyone! I’m about to head to the Pinery for four days of camping, but here’s what is going on at Biblioasis this week:

  • CNQ 102 is getting well under way. The genre issue is staring to look pretty exciting as I typeset the pieces. A number of writers tell of their first monsters, sitting alongside pieces on Bruce Lee, Indigenous Sci-Fi, and Jay Stevens’ STUNNING comic adaption of an excerpt from Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake. You don’t want to miss it.
  • This week I am skipping ahead of announced books to let you know about something coming down the pipeline: Le Plongeur by Stéphane Larue. This is a book about a metalhead artist with a gambling problem who ends up working as a dishwasher. As both a metalhead and ex-kitchen worker, I have to say Larue gets it.
  • Finally, my niece was visiting the office, but left Mickey behind, so naturally we put him to work:

First we took him to the board room for some training and instruction.


Then he made galleys…


…but of course the printer jammed.


So we sent him to storage to get some books.


Even imaginary workers get breaks, and they use them to read our own books!


Last job for the day: helping catch up on  Against Amazon chapbook binding—with a glass of whisky


And at the end of the day, he enjoyed a relaxing drink.



New Office and New Arrivals

New office who dis big pile of boxes

A major perk of our new digs: we now have room to receive shipments of books right here in the place where we make, mail, and shout about them. This is a major upgrade to our previous system, which I fondly call “driving furiously to a storage locker to meet the guy with the big truck because there’s nowhere for him to park at the bookshop and he just called to tell us he’d be there ten minutes ago.”

The first arrival:

A two-for-one of Terry Griggs’ The Iconoclast’s Journal (June 12, 2018), which we’re bringing back into print via ReSet, a series that republishes overlooked Canadian classics. If you click the first link, our web store will display the Canadian edition, designed with its place in the series in mind. US stores will carry a second version, which features a cheeky, purple, partially headless angel that captures the spirit of this madcap picaresque, which wheels effortlessly between ribald slapstick and sharp critique of the Victorian era in which it’s set. It’s an addictive read, the perfect summer getaway from a world that’s sadly lacking in companionable pigs. Or maybe that’s just me?

The Iconoclast’s Journal was first published as Rogues’ Wedding in 2002 and hence it is no stranger to multiple covers: check out this photo, featuring the original hardcover and paperback covers in the top row, and down below from left to right: our 2018 ARC, Canadian, and US editions. You can read more about the unusual experience of republishing a novel over at All Lit Up, where Terry herself takes us behind the scenes and between the covers.

The second arrival:

An ARC run of Harriet Paige’s Man with a Seagull on His Head, and I cannot shut up about it.  This book has captivated our entire office with its quiet wisdom and original plot. To wit: on a hot summer day, Ray Eccles, a city clerk “past the age when anything interesting was likely to happen to him,” is struck on the head by a dying seagull, and though he’s never touched a paintbrush in his life, when he wakes he finds himself compelled to obsessively repeat the last thing he saw before he was knocked out: an unknown woman on the beach. As Ray’s paintings take the art world by storm, Paige shifts the novel’s lens to Jennifer, his anonymous muse, who ponders the surprising turns and odd connections that characterize a life. Seagull doesn’t drop until OCTOBER 9 HOW WILL I STAND IT.

Hey, what’s back here…




Productions Notes: May 11, 2018

Hey everyone,

  • Welcome to Production Notes, a weekly roundup of what is going on in the Biblioasis production office. Speaking of… check out our space!

Read more

Biblioasis Press’ New Address

We’ve moved!

Our new office is located at 1686 Ottawa St, Suite 100, Windsor ON, N8Y 1R1. Our new phone number is 519–915–3930. We’re *kind of* unpacked. Pardon the stray boxes and assorted hand tools. Those of you who have been to the back of the old Bibliomanse will understand why I insist on typing WE HAVE WINDOWS in all caps.

We have doors!

With doors inside of them!

Here is where the publicity, marketing, and operations management happens. Pay no attention to the stray couch or the stretch limousine.

Dan is doing Dan magic behind the door on the left & production is back there producing things.

Regional history lives in here with Sharon.

For no reason, please enjoy this picture of our printer.

This hallway has more square footage than the entirety of our old office.

I am almost embarrassed by how excited I am re: the new mailroom.


Coffee comes from here. I guess food, too?

This is where I come to cry.

Biblioasis Bookstore (hi guys!) is still located at 1520 Wyandotte, and I imagine it’s more peaceful than ever, now that the riffraff’s been removed from the back.

IN THE MEDIA: Biblioasis Round-Up

The Discovery of Funny

SPOILER: You will not find it sitting at my desk.

We’re thrilled to learn that Terry Griggs’ The Discovery of Honey has been longlisted for the Leacock Medal . The Leacock is given annually for the best Canadian book of literary humour. Three shortlisted titles will be named May 2, which is today! Refresh! REFRESHI

Speaking of shortlists

K.D. Miller’s “Olly Olly Oxen Free” has been nominated for a 2018 National Magazine Award, as has David Huebert’s short story “Maxi.”  You can also listen to David chat with CBC about Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

In the Cage

Our thanks to Prairie Fire for this terrific review of Kevin Hardcastle’s In the Cage. In Simcoe County? This Friday, May 4, at the Maclaren Art Centre, Kevin will read from his work and talk about the import of the region to his writing.

Along the Coast

Rachel Lebowitz and Amanda Jernigan are on road on the East Coast this week. Catch them Thursday in Halifax, Friday in Sackville, Saturday in New Fredricton, and Sunday in New Glasgow. Full details are available on our site.

SPRING 401 TOUR: Wrap-Up

Our spring 401 Tour wrapped up Friday night at the Bibliomanse, where Paige Cooper, Rachel Lebowitz, Amanda Jernigan, and Richard Sanger knocked the collective socks off of everyone in attendance. I’ve been standing in the back of the bookstore, holding up my lighter for an encore ever since, as it was one of the finest readings I’ve ever attended. I assure you I am in no way biased.

If you missed out, the band will be reunited this weekend at the Ottawa International Writers Festival. On the East Coast? Dynamic duo Rachel and Amanda embark on an East Coast tour, featuring events in Halifax, NS, Sackville, NB, Fredericton, NB, and New Glasgow, PEI, next week, May 4-7. See our site for full details.

Many thanks to snapd Windsor for the author photograph!


IN THE MEDIA: Events & Press!

Spring 401 Tour

Our Spring 401 Tour kicked off last night and we’re readying the Bibliomanse as Paige Cooper, Amanda Jernigan, Rachel Lebowitz, and Richard Sanger make their way west, spreading brilliance and shiny new books all across the land.

You can catch this super squad tonight in Hamilton (Epic Books, 7 pm), Thursday in Toronto (Monarch Tavern, 7:30), and here in Windsor on Friday (Biblioasis, 7:30 pm). Which means your humble Biblioblogger only has two days to clean off her desk.

Excellent Press

While I weep into this stack of mailing lists, please enjoy this round-up of the week’s excellent press!



IN THE MEDIA: Biblioasis Round-Up

It’s (Re)Lit

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, longer days means long shortlists from CBC’s ReLit Awards. And even though it’s snowing in Windsor right now, we’re basking in the glow of our six nominees. They are—drumroll please—

The Adjustment League by Mike Barnes, a novel that Maclean’s calls “Masterful …  suspenseful, exquisitely written and—at times—corrosively funny.”

Alice Peterson’s Worldly Goods, a collection of short stories that earned starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Quill & Quire.

Museum at the End of the World, John Metcalf’s most recent short story collection, which Publishers Weekly calls “Sharp and funny.”

Bad Things Happen, Kris Bertin’s debut short story collection lauded by Library Journal as “smart and nuanced, pulsing with humanity.”

Swinging Through Dixie, a collection of short fiction by Leon Rooke, a writer The Globe & Mail says “is simply not like any other writer out there. He’s a national treasure.”

Sharon McCartney’s Metanoia, a book of poems both Publishers Weekly and Quill & Quire selected for starred reviews.

Congratulations, Bibliobeloveds, and good luck! We’re typing with our fingers crossed! It’s very difficult but you are worth it!


 Where’s Bob? is in the house! Can’t wait for you to get lost in this new novel from Ann Ireland. Available May 1!

IN THE MEDIA: Pheby & Coluccio & Carrión & Ondjaki

Trade Paper $19.95
eBook $9.99

April is the Kirkus month

In a terrific April 3 review, Kirkus calls Alexander Pheby’s Playthings “A highly detailed, emotional plunge into the mind of a disturbed man…. An intense, immersive reading experience that provides real insight into those afflicted with severe mental illness.” Playthings is a visceral, darkly comic portrait of severe mental illness based on the true story of nineteenth-century German judge and patient of Freud, Daniel Paul Schreber. While deftly exploring the ideas of madness and sanity, of reality and delusion, Pheby reflects Schreber’s disordered mind in vertiginous prose, and compassionately reveals the humanity and tragedy of his psychosis. Available in Canada April 24 (US: June 19).

Air time

Trade Paper $18.95
eBook $9.99

Our pal Pino Coluccio ushered in National Poetry Month with Michael Enright on CBC’s Sunday Edition. Of Class Clown, Pino’s recent book of poems, Enright said: “I kept going back to it over and over and over again.” Be like Michael Enright: read these poems. Then read them again, and again, and maybe then again.

Trade Paper $19.95
Hardcover $32.95
eBook $9.99

Meanwhile, in Lousiana, Susan Larson of New Orleans Public Radio raved about Bookshops: A Reader’s History by Jorge Carrión, calling it “a brilliant, charming chronicle of bookstores around the world… [Carrión’s] expertise shows.”

Ask us anything

Trade Paper $19.95
eBook $9.99

Veronica Scott Esposito  interviews Steven Henighan, translator of Ondjaki’s forthcoming Transparent City, on her blog Conversational Reading. Says Esposito: “Stephen is among the most dedicated, discerning, and best-informed translators of Lusophone fiction that I know of (or just one of the best translators, period), so when he says that Ondjaki is among the best writers Africa has to offer, I take notice.”  Transparent City is coming your way in May.



IN THE MEDIA: Brode, Huebert, Cooper

Look, Ma, we’re in the legislative assembly!

Hardcover $32.95
eBook $13.99

At last Thursday’s meeting of the Ontario Legislative Assembly, MPP Percy Hatfield (Windsor—Tecumseh) secured a 90-second Member’s  Statement to honour three authors with Windsor connections who were shortlisted for the 2017 Speaker’s Book Award. Among them, our very own Patrick Brode, whose Border Cities Powerhouse: The Rise of Windsor: 1900-1945 made the list of nine titles. Other Windsor-affiliated nominees were Dr. Cheryl Collier, professor of political science at the University of Windsor, for The Politics of Ontario, and Shawn Micallef, who was born and raised in Windsor, for Frontier City: Toronto on the Verge of Greatness.

The award is given annually to a book by an Ontario author that reflects the province’s diverse culture and history.

“I was overjoyed this year when three writers from Windsor were honoured,” Hatfield said in his address to the assembly. “[Brode] has written extensively about our history in his latest book . . . published by Biblioasis, a local firm I mentioned several times in this house, especially around the Giller Prize.”

Border Cities Powerhouse is Brode’s second book of local history, following The River and the Land: A History of Windsor to 1900. His work has been called “Fascinating” by the Windsor Star, and Biz X Magazine calls his books “thoroughly researched and superbly written.”

Brode’s next book is Why Babe Trumble Died: Enforcing Temperance on the Detroit River Border, 1920. In it, Brode tells the story of Trumble’s death at the hands of Reverend J.O.L. Spracklin, “The Fighting Parson.Why Babe Trumble Died will be published by Biblioasis in November 2018, and I move we each put it on our To-Read list right now. Seconded? Don’t make me get out my gavel . . .

Peninsula Sinking … under the weight of all these nominations

Trade Paper $19.95
eBook $9.99

 We’re over the moon for David Huebert, whose Peninsula Sinking has been shortlisted for not one, but two Atlantic Book Awards: the Alistair MacLeod Prize for Short Fiction and the Jim Connors Dartmouth Book Award. Congrats, David, and good luck! We knew you when!

Another day, another glowing review of Paige Cooper’s Zolitude

Trade Paper $19.95
eBook $9.99

In a beautifully written review of Zolitude, Helen Chau Bradley says all the things we’ve been trying to say about this stunning debut collection, but she uses people words whereas we tend to wave our arms around and make oddly-pitched squeaks of adoration. To wit: “Zolitude is Cooper’s first short story collection, but it reads like the work of a far more seasoned writer. . . With each opening paragraph, she pitches us into a new atmosphere, full of gorgeous detail and emotional rawness, a world that feels too real to be a fantasy, or perhaps just fantastic enough to be real.” To which your humble Biblioblogger would like to add: [verbal equivalent of multiple cat-eyes-emoji].