In the Media: Flock of Seagulls

As you head for the beach this long weekend, consider the story of Ray Eccles, a city clerk “past the age when anything interesting was likely to happen to him,” who one day is struck on the head by a dying seagull and wakes up compelled to obsessively paint the last thing he saw before […]

Productions Notes: June 22, 2018

Class Clown by Pino Collucio won the Trilliam last night! No wonder the judges were drawn to this book with such a lovely cover that pairs so well with Pino’s witty poetry, designed by our own Ellie Hastings. I have also been working on typesetting K.D. Miller’s Late Breaking. What is most important when I typeset […]

Read With Your Friends!

It’s true that the best thing about reading is that it keeps you from having to talk to people. HOWEVER: if you’re going to talk to people, books make a fine topic—and three of our recent titles are making waves as summer book-club picks. Get it? Waves? Because it’s SUMMER? I’ll show myself out. First […]